Saturday, December 23, 2006

Miss America and Rehab

It is clear that Miss America engaged in activity that most young adults venture into as they travel and journey this planet. Indeed, drinking alcohol before the legal age of 21 does not necessarily indicate a young adult is an alcoholic. However, alcoholism is a progressive disease and early recognition of the addictive conduct can prevent future spirals. Furthermore, awareness of a family history of alcohol abuse and drinking episodes that interfere with work are classic red flags of alcoholism. Miss America has been given a second chance to have a close look at her red flags. Despite the nations demand that she be held to a higher standard of conduct, alcoholism does not discriminate. The disease cuts across the fabric of America--to include even the most pristine. She will now be exposed to the gritty stories of alcoholics, fellowship and support.

Rehab is not a cure all, but she will be able to carry the word of the 12-steps of recovery to the world. She may not be able to save the world, but she may be able to save a piece of the world one person at a time.


Unknown said...

It's clear that you don't know what you're taking about. Tara Connors is MISS USA - NOT Miss America.
Jennifer Berry is Miss America and she is also an avid advocate for MADD. In addition, Jennifer Berry is a very classy person and Miss America is very careful to make sure all of it's representatives are upstanding role models for young women today.
The type of behavior that Tara Connors - MISS USA - displayed, would not be tolerated for one second by the MISS AMERICA organization.

All the staff at Sober Shores said...

We stand corrected on the Miss USA vs. Miss America. We lose focus with labels.